 | What is SAI Kuteer? |
 | SAI Kuteer is a non-profit organization that amalgamates spirituality and charitable service to the community based on the lives and preaching of Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba. |
 | Is SAI Kuteer a Sai Temple? |
 | SAI Kuteer is more than a Temple. Because it promotes spirituality based on universally accepted principles, such as Truth (Sathya), Right Conduct (Dharma), Peace (Santhi) and Love (Prema). SAI Kuteer, and translates these principles into selfless community service. By doing so, SAI Kuteer strengthens the inherent spirituality among the people, and helps them to expand their consciousness. |
 | What is meant by SAI Kuteer? |
 | As mere words, SAI refers to the two Sai Babas, who lived and preached Universality of all religions. Kuteer in Sanskrit means a retreat, usually for mediation or spiritual practices. But, SAI Kuteer is also an acronym that reflects the vision, mission and values of the organization itself as follows. S)elf less Love, A)wareness, I)ntegrity – K)indness, U)nity, T)ruth, E)quality, E)quanimity, and R)everence for the Almighty. |
 | Is SAI Kuteer open to all? |
 | Yes, SAI Kuteer is open to people of all faiths and religions who share the above universal principles and values. In other words, SAI Kuteer is a place for all who would like to experience and share the above Universal Values with others. |
 | What is the ultimate mission or purpose of SAI Kuteer? |
 | The mission or purpose of SAI Kuteer is to promote Universal Love and Spiritual Unfoldment through Selfless Service to humanity. |
 | Is SAI Kuteer related to any other organization or religious bodies? |
 | No, SAI Kuteer is not related to any organization or religious body. SAI Kuteer stands on its own as a spiritual and charitable organization. |
 | What types of spiritual activities are conducted in SAI Kuteer on regular basis? |
 | Currently, there are weekly services conducted on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. These services include Satsangs (discussion on spiritual matters), Bhajans (recital of devotional songs), and Aarati (tribute to Sai Babas). |
 | What types of spiritual activities are conducted in SAI Kuteer on special occasions? |
 | On special occasions, such as Gurupoornima, Sivarathri, Sri Rama Navami, Krishnashtami, Christmas, etc., SAI Kuteer conducts special and extended services and programs, which are open to all. On special occasions, SAI Kuteer may also invite guest speakers from different faiths or religions to promote interfaith understanding and harmony. |
 | Who are the volunteers of SAI Kuteer |
 | Any person, who shares the values of SAI Kuteer and desires to do service, can be registered as a volunteer. |
 | What types of charitable activities are undertaken by SAI Kuteer? |
 | To start with SAI Kuteer focuses on 3 types of charitable activities, namely, basic necessities (food, clothing etc.), healthcare, and education. As the mission of SAI Kuteer expands, other services will be added. |
 | Who are the beneficiaries of the charitable services of SAI Kuteer? |
 | The beneficiaries of the charitable activities of SAI Kuteer are homeless people, children in neeed, homeless and disabled Veterans. |
 | What is the operational area of SAI Kuteer? |
 | The operational area of SAI Kuteer is mainly Utah |
 | What are the benefits of being a volunteer of SAI Kuteer? |
 | First, as a volunteer of SAI Kuteer, the person will derive immense satisfaction that s/he is selflessly serving the community. Second, by regular participation in the spiritual and other elevating programs of SAI Kuteer, one can experience the unfoldment of consciousness. Third, the time spent as volunteers of SAI Kuteer is tracked electronically, and it is cumulative. So, dedicated volunteers with a record of service can become members of the Executive Committee, or other Committees or even become Board Members in due course, even without monetary contributions. In other words, SAI Kuteer respects and treats dedicated volunteers on par with donors. |
 | Does SAI Kuteer accept monetary donations? |
 | Yes, SAI Kuteer accepts monetary donations. SAI Kuteer is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Utah, and received 501 (C) 3 charitable status from the Internal Revenue Service. So, donations made to SAI Kuteer are eligible for federal tax deduction. Cash donations or checks payable to SAI Kuteer can be dropped in the Hundi (safe box) located inside the SAI Kuteer. Cash donations should be put in the envelopes (provided) and clearly marked with the full name, address, phone number and email ID of the donor, so that the donation can be registered properly. Checks payable to SAI Kuteer can also be mailed to: SAI Kuteer, P.O. Box 1637, Sandy, UT 84091-1637. Donations can be also be made by PayPal account using the secure portal in the SAI Kuteer web site. All donations, irrespective of the amount, will be properly acknowledged via US mail or email. So, it is important that the donors leave their personal details for contact. SAI Kuteer accepts donations in US dollars only. No foreign currency is accepted. Donations made from outside the 50 states of the United States of America, will not be accepted, even if they are made in US dollars. |
 | Does SAI Kuteer accept donation of goods? |
 | On occasions, when it is required to support charitable activities, SAI Kuteer may solicit donation of specific goods, such as used clothes, used shoes, used furniture etc. Donors of such goods will receive tax-deductible receipts for fair market value of the used goods. |
 | Does SAI Kuteer employ third parties or representatives to solicit donations? |
 | No. SAI Kuteer does not, and will not employ third parties or representatives to solicit donations. |
 | What types of benefits are offered to donors? |
 | Depending on the amount of donations, donors can become Members (Annual or Lifetime), Patrons, Trustees and Benefactors. Details of the categories can be found in the bylaws of SAI Kuteer. All donations are counted on cumulative basis. |
 | What is the eligibility to become an officer, such as Executive Committee or Board Member of SAI Kuteer? |
 | SAI Kuteer offers two paths, namely the Donor Path and Volunteer Path to become its officers. Details of these two paths and the criteria to become officers are described in the bylaws of SAI Kuteer. |
 | Can attendees bring food for the regular services to share as Prasadam with others? |
 | Yes, but only vegetarian food without the use of garlic and onion are acceptable. Fruits, nuts and sweets are also allowed. |
 | Is there a dress code for the regular services of SAI Kuteer? |
 | Keeping in mind of the sanctity and serenity of the place, SAI Kuteer expects the patrons to use their discretion and dress modestly and decently. |